Ashton Brady » Meet Your AP

Meet Your AP

Hello! My name is Ashton Brady, and I am your Assistant Principal for the 2023-2024 school year. I am deeply committed to guiding students toward success and personal growth and am excited to meet all of your kids. My journey in education began with a Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education, where I specialized in Mathematics. This laid the foundation for my desire to instill a lifelong love for learning in my students. Eager to expand my impact, I pursued a Masters in Educational Leadership, arming myself with the tools needed to drive positive change in schools.


My teaching experience spans a wide range, from instructing mathematics to grades 6 through 12 and teaching all subjects in 4th grade. Beyond the classroom, I've embraced the role of Assistant Principal in a large middle school in Central Pennsylvania. My perspective as a mother of three children enriches my approach, as I lead with empathy and a deep understanding of the needs of both students and parents. Being a military spouse has honed my resilience and adaptability, qualities that serve me well in the dynamic field of education.


I'm truly honored to have played a role in shaping students' educational journeys across various age groups and subjects. As I continue on this path, I remain devoted to fostering an inclusive, empowering, and compassionate space for students and colleagues. Together, we can inspire a love for learning, resilience, and personal growth that extends far beyond the classroom.


Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let's continue working hand in hand to create a brighter and more promising future for the next generation. Have a great school year!